Friday 13 December      sunrise  06:17  sunset  17:28   Daylight: 11 hrs 11 mins  
PeriodConditionsTemperaturePrecipitationWindspeedDirectionUV indexCloudsPressure
04 - 05 Clear skyClear sky 25.4° - 3.8 m/s   Gentle breeze 50.2 NE - - 1009.4 hPa
05 - 06 Clear skyClear sky 25.5° - 3.2 m/s   Light breeze 50.3 NE - - 1009.7 hPa
06 - 07 FairFair 25.3° - 2.7 m/s   Light breeze 78.6 ENE - 16 % 1010 hPa
07 - 08 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 25.5° - 2.2 m/s   Light breeze 105.8 ESE - 59 % 1010.7 hPa
08 - 09 FairFair 27.1° - 3.3 m/s   Light breeze 154.4 SSE
21 % 1011.4 hPa
09 - 10 Clear skyClear sky 28.2° - 4.8 m/s   Gentle breeze 177.5 S
- 1012 hPa
10 - 11 FairFair 29.1° - 4.2 m/s   Gentle breeze 187.3 S
22 % 1012.3 hPa
11 - 12 FairFair 29.5° - 3.5 m/s   Light breeze 199 SSW
18 % 1011.9 hPa
12 - 13 FairFair 29.4° - 3.4 m/s   Light breeze 200.4 SSW
23 % 1011.1 hPa
13 - 14 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 29.6° - 2.9 m/s   Light breeze 196 SSW
38 % 1010.4 hPa
14 - 15 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 29.5° - 1.9 m/s   Light air 243.3 WSW
95 % 1009.6 hPa
15 - 16 Light rain showersLight rain showers 28.8° 0.1 mm 2.2 m/s   Light breeze 16.1 NNE
65 % 1009.2 hPa
16 - 17 FairFair 28.6° - 3.4 m/s   Light breeze 23.4 NNE - 20 % 1008.9 hPa
17 - 18 FairFair 28.4° - 3.5 m/s   Light breeze 7.1 N - 21 % 1009.3 hPa
18 - 19 FairFair 28.3° - 3.1 m/s   Light breeze 352.9 N - 20 % 1009.8 hPa
19 - 20 Clear skyClear sky 28° - 2.9 m/s   Light breeze 25.1 NNE - 11 % 1010.6 hPa
20 - 21 Clear skyClear sky 27.6° - 2.7 m/s   Light breeze 33.9 NNE - - 1011.3 hPa
21 - 22 Clear skyClear sky 27.1° - 2.7 m/s   Light breeze 44.9 NE - 11 % 1012 hPa
22 - 23 FairFair 26.5° - 2.3 m/s   Light breeze 53.5 NE - 15 % 1012.2 hPa
23 - 00 Clear skyClear sky 26.1° - 3.4 m/s   Light breeze 207 SSW - - 1012 hPa
 Saturday 14 December      sunrise  06:17  sunset  17:29   Daylight: 11 hrs 11 mins  
PeriodConditionsTemperaturePrecipitationWindspeedDirectionUV indexCloudsPressure
00 - 01 Clear skyClear sky 26.4° - 2.1 m/s   Light breeze 177.5 S - - 1012.1 hPa
01 - 02 Clear skyClear sky 26.4° - 2.2 m/s   Light breeze 148 SSE - 13 % 1011.9 hPa
02 - 03 Clear skyClear sky 26.1° - 2.8 m/s   Light breeze 132.2 SE - 12 % 1011.6 hPa
03 - 04 FairFair 25.7° - 3.1 m/s   Light breeze 105.3 ESE - 14 % 1011.3 hPa
04 - 05 FairFair 25.3° - 3 m/s   Light breeze 95 E - 30 % 1011.4 hPa
05 - 06 FairFair 25.2° - 4.3 m/s   Gentle breeze 126.5 SE - 34 % 1012.2 hPa
06 - 07 Clear skyClear sky 25° - 4.3 m/s   Gentle breeze 122.7 ESE - - 1012.8 hPa
07 - 08 FairFair 25° - 4 m/s   Gentle breeze 112.1 ESE - 31 % 1013.4 hPa
08 - 09 Clear skyClear sky 26.9° - 4.1 m/s   Gentle breeze 124 SE
- 1014.1 hPa
09 - 10 FairFair 27.9° - 4.7 m/s   Gentle breeze 163.6 SSE
20 % 1014.5 hPa
10 - 11 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 28.8° - 4.3 m/s   Gentle breeze 184.1 S
47 % 1014.3 hPa
11 - 12 FairFair 29.5° - 3.6 m/s   Light breeze 194.9 SSW
36 % 1014 hPa
12 - 13 FairFair 29.4° - 2.9 m/s   Light breeze 215.2 SW
25 % 1013 hPa
13 - 14 FairFair 29.2° - 2.4 m/s   Light breeze 231.7 SW
33 % 1012 hPa
14 - 15 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 29.1° - 2.3 m/s   Light breeze 246.6 WSW
43 % 1011.2 hPa
15 - 16 FairFair 29° - 2.7 m/s   Light breeze 304 NW
23 % 1010.9 hPa
16 - 17 FairFair 28.6° - 5.1 m/s   Gentle breeze 332.3 NNW - 22 % 1010.7 hPa
17 - 18 FairFair 28.5° - 5.5 m/s   Gentle breeze 340.9 NNW - 24 % 1011.1 hPa
18 - 19 FairFair 28.1° - 5.6 m/s   Gentle breeze 352.1 N - 15 % 1011.6 hPa
19 - 20 FairFair 27.8° - 4.6 m/s   Gentle breeze 18.9 NNE - 19 % 1012.1 hPa
20 - 21 FairFair 27.2° - 2.4 m/s   Light breeze 63.3 ENE - 23 % 1012.4 hPa
21 - 22 FairFair 26.8° - 3.3 m/s   Light breeze 99.2 E - 24 % 1012.8 hPa
22 - 23 FairFair 26.6° - 4.3 m/s   Gentle breeze 132.2 SE - 31 % 1012.9 hPa
23 - 00 FairFair 26.6° - 6.8 m/s   Moderate breeze 163.5 SSE - 27 % 1012.9 hPa
 Sunday 15 December      sunrise  06:18  sunset  17:29   Daylight: 11 hrs 11 mins  
PeriodConditionsTemperaturePrecipitationWindspeedDirectionUV indexCloudsPressure
00 - 01 FairFair 26.8° - 7.6 m/s   Moderate breeze 167.4 SSE - 20 % 1012.8 hPa
01 - 02 FairFair 26.4° - 7.2 m/s   Moderate breeze 159.7 SSE - 26 % 1012.6 hPa
02 - 03 FairFair 25.9° - 7.1 m/s   Moderate breeze 147.1 SSE - 15 % 1012.2 hPa
03 - 04 FairFair 25.3° - 6.6 m/s   Moderate breeze 135.1 SE - 14 % 1012.1 hPa
04 - 05 Clear skyClear sky 24.8° - 5.7 m/s   Moderate breeze 121.2 ESE - - 1012.1 hPa
05 - 06 FairFair 24.5° - 4.8 m/s   Gentle breeze 108.5 ESE - 20 % 1012.4 hPa
06 - 07 FairFair 24.3° - 4.5 m/s   Gentle breeze 112.8 ESE - 22 % 1013 hPa
07 - 08 FairFair 24.6° - 4.5 m/s   Gentle breeze 134 SE - 24 % 1013.7 hPa
08 - 09 Clear skyClear sky 26.3° - 4.4 m/s   Gentle breeze 153.6 SSE
- 1014.2 hPa
09 - 10 Clear skyClear sky 27.5° - 3.7 m/s   Gentle breeze 170.1 S
- 1014.5 hPa
10 - 11 Clear skyClear sky 28.4° - 3.1 m/s   Light breeze 203.2 SSW
- 1014.3 hPa
11 - 12 FairFair 28.5° - 2.5 m/s   Light breeze 247.7 WSW
21 % 1013.8 hPa
12 - 13 FairFair 28.1° - 3.6 m/s   Light breeze 262.8 W
34 % 1013.2 hPa
13 - 14 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 28° - 2.9 m/s   Light breeze 284 WNW
73 % 1012.3 hPa
14 - 15 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 28.1° - 2.6 m/s   Light breeze 292.5 WNW
45 % 1011.6 hPa
15 - 16 FairFair 27.9° - 3.9 m/s   Gentle breeze 287.2 WNW
34 % 1011.3 hPa
16 - 17 FairFair 28° - 4.3 m/s   Gentle breeze 331.1 NNW - 31 % 1011.2 hPa
17 - 18 FairFair 28° - 4.2 m/s   Gentle breeze 358.4 N - 16 % 1011.5 hPa
18 - 19 FairFair 27.3° - 3.1 m/s   Light breeze 68 ENE - 19 % 1012.2 hPa
19 - 20 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 26.6° - 3.5 m/s   Light breeze 100.6 E - 41 % 1012.6 hPa
Weather forecast data courtesy of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK