Some clouds Partly cloudy Some clouds Clear Fog Clear Clear Some clouds Fog
-- Some clouds Partly cloudy Some clouds Clear Fog Clear Clear Some clouds Fog
25°C 26°C 30°C 26°C 24°C 24°C 30°C 25°C 22°C 23°C
- - - - - - - - - -
3 m/s - SE 3 m/s - NE 8 m/s - N 8 m/s - N 4 m/s - NE 3 m/s - NE 7 m/s - NW 6 m/s - N 2 m/s - E 2 m/s - E
Weather forecast for Some Luzon area.    by Luzon Weather Station - (Bauang)
Some clouds Partly cloudy Some clouds Clear Fog Clear Clear Some clouds Fog Clear Clear Some clouds Clear Clear Some clouds Partly cloudy Clear
Some clouds, later Partly cloudy Some clouds, later Clear Fog, later Clear Clear, later Some clouds Fog, later Clear Clear Some clouds, later Clear Clear Some clouds, later Partly cloudy Clear
30°C 24°C 30°C 22°C 29°C 22°C 28°C 24°C 28°C 23°C
UV Forecast  UV Forecast  UV Forecast  UV Forecast  UV Forecast 
Very high
uv recalc for cloudsuv 8.9index rounded
  Very high
uv 8.9index rounded
  Very high
uv 9.0index rounded
  Very high
uv recalc for cloudsuv 9.3index rounded
  Very high
uv recalc for cloudsuv 9.3index rounded
Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation
- - - - - - - - - 0,1 mm
Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from
NE → N N → NE NE → NW N → E E → NW N → NE NE → NW N → S SE → NW E
Windsnelheid Windsnelheid Windsnelheid Windsnelheid Windsnelheid Windsnelheid Windsnelheid Windsnelheid Windsnelheid Windsnelheid
3 → 8 m/s 8 → 4 m/s 3 → 7 m/s 6 → 2 m/s 2 → 4 m/s 4 → 1 m/s 2 → 5 m/s 5 → 1 m/s 2 → 4 m/s 1 → 2 m/s
25 Bft 43 Bft 24 Bft 42 Bft 23 Bft 31 Bft 23 Bft 31 Bft 23 Bft 12 Bft
Fresh breeze Moderate breeze Moderate breeze Moderate breeze Gentle breeze Gentle breeze Gentle breeze Gentle breeze Gentle breeze Light breeze
Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure
1009,2 hPa 1010,4 hPa 1009,1 hPa 1010,2 hPa 1009,6 hPa 1010,4 hPa 1010,1 hPa 1012,2 hPa 1012,2 hPa 1014,2 hPa
Forecast data created at 23-01-2025 21:15 (16.52694 120.32991) Weather forecast data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK.
here the graph will be drawn
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
Night -- 25°C - SE 3 m/s from the SE
2 Bft Light breeze
82 % 10 % 1010,7 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
Morning Some clouds Some clouds 26°C - NE 3 m/s from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
73 % 3 % 1011,9 hPa
Afternoon Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 30°C - N 8 m/s from the N
 5 Bft Fresh breeze 
66 % 17 % 1009,2 hPa
Evening Some clouds Some clouds 26°C - N 8 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
80 % 0 % 1011 hPa
Night Clear Clear 24°C - NE 4 m/s from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
88 % 0 % 1010,4 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
Morning Fog Fog 24°C - NE 3 m/s from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
83 % 13 % 1011,2 hPa
Afternoon Clear Clear 30°C - NW 7 m/s from the NW
4 Bft Moderate breeze
61 % 0 % 1009,1 hPa
Evening Clear Clear 25°C - N 6 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
79 % 0 % 1010,7 hPa
Night Some clouds Some clouds 22°C - E 2 m/s from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
83 % 21 % 1010,2 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
Morning Fog Fog 23°C - E 2 m/s from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
75 % 10 % 1012,3 hPa
Afternoon Clear Clear 29°C - NW 4 m/s from the NW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
62 % 0 % 1009,6 hPa
Evening Clear Clear 25°C - N 4 m/s from the N
3 Bft Gentle breeze
73 % 0 % 1010,7 hPa
Night Clear Clear 22°C - NE 1 m/s from the NE
1 Bft Light air
85 % 32 % 1010,4 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
Morning Some clouds Some clouds 24°C - NE 2 m/s from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
74 % 7 % 1012,4 hPa
Afternoon Clear Clear 28°C - NW 5 m/s from the NW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
61 % 2 % 1010,1 hPa
Evening Clear Clear 25°C - N 5 m/s from the N
3 Bft Gentle breeze
76 % 3 % 1011,4 hPa
Night Clear Clear 24°C - S 1 m/s from the S
1 Bft Light air
76 % 25 % 1012,2 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
Morning Some clouds Some clouds 24°C - SE 2 m/s from the SE
2 Bft Light breeze
73 % 45 % 1014,6 hPa
Afternoon Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 28°C - NW 4 m/s from the NW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
63 % 9 % 1012,2 hPa
Evening Clear Clear 25°C 0,1 mm E 1 m/s from the E
1 Bft Light air
78 % 4 % 1014,2 hPa
Night Clear Clear 23°C - E 2 m/s from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
81 % 43 % 1014,2 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
Morning Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 24°C - SE 2 m/s from the SE
2 Bft Light breeze
75 % 92 % 1015,9 hPa
Afternoon Overcast Overcast 28°C - W 4 m/s from the W
3 Bft Gentle breeze
65 % 21 % 1013,2 hPa
Evening Some clouds Some clouds 27°C - E 1 m/s from the E
1 Bft Light air
62 % 24 % 1013,5 hPa
Night Some clouds Some clouds 24°C - E 2 m/s from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
76 % 28 % 1012,6 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
Morning Some clouds Some clouds 25°C - E 1 m/s from the E
1 Bft Light air
73 % 99 % 1014 hPa
Afternoon Overcast Overcast 28°C - NW 3 m/s from the NW
2 Bft Light breeze
65 % 32 % 1010,4 hPa
Evening Some clouds Some clouds 27°C - SE 1 m/s from the SE
1 Bft Light air
66 % 24 % 1010,7 hPa
Night Some clouds Some clouds 24°C - S 4 m/s from the S
3 Bft Gentle breeze
84 % 100 % 1009,7 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
Morning Rain Rain 24°C 9,3 mm S 3 m/s from the S
2 Bft Light breeze
92 % 100 % 1012,4 hPa
Afternoon Drizzle Drizzle 27°C 0,9 mm W 1 m/s from the W
1 Bft Light air
77 % 99 % 1009,9 hPa
Evening Overcast Overcast 26°C 0,1 mm NE 1 m/s from the NE
1 Bft Light air
84 % 91 % 1011 hPa
Night Overcast Overcast 24°C - SE 1 m/s from the SE
1 Bft Light air
91 % 99 % 1009,9 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
Morning Overcast Overcast 26°C - SE 1 m/s from the SE
1 Bft Light air
86 % 11 % 1012 hPa
Afternoon Clear Clear 30°C - W 2 m/s from the W
2 Bft Light breeze
69 % 23 % 1008,9 hPa
Evening Some clouds Some clouds 27°C - N 3 m/s from the N
3 Bft Gentle breeze
84 % 5 % 1010,3 hPa
Night Clear Clear 25°C - E 1 m/s from the E
1 Bft Light air
89 % 7 % 1009,2 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
Morning Clear Clear 26°C - SE 2 m/s from the SE
2 Bft Light breeze
84 % 7 % 1011,1 hPa
Forecast data created at 23-01-2025 21:15 (16.52694 120.32991) Weather forecast data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK.
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Dewpoint Clouds Pressure
23 - 00 ClearClear 25°C - E 4 m/s from the E
3 Bft Gentle breeze
84 % 22°C 21 % 1011,7 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Dewpoint Clouds Pressure
00 - 01 Some cloudsSome clouds 25°C - E 3 m/s from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
84 % 22°C 24 % 1011,5 hPa
01 - 02 Some cloudsSome clouds 25°C - SE 3 m/s from the SE
2 Bft Light breeze
82 % 22°C 10 % 1010,7 hPa
02 - 03 ClearClear 25°C - SE 3 m/s from the SE
2 Bft Light breeze
81 % 22°C 5 % 1010,1 hPa
03 - 04 ClearClear 25°C - E 2 m/s from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
83 % 22°C 16 % 1010,1 hPa
04 - 05 Some cloudsSome clouds 24°C - NE 3 m/s from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
85 % 21°C 32 % 1010,3 hPa
05 - 06 FogFog 24°C - NE 3 m/s from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
80 % 20°C 29 % 1010,9 hPa
06 - 07 Some cloudsSome clouds 24°C - NE 3 m/s from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
78 % 20°C 15 % 1011,4 hPa
07 - 08 Some cloudsSome clouds 26°C - NE 3 m/s from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
73 % 20°C 3 % 1011,9 hPa
08 - 09 ClearClear 28°C - N 3 m/s from the N
2 Bft Light breeze
69 % 21°C 42 % 1012,1 hPa
09 - 10 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 29°C - N 5 m/s from the N
3 Bft Gentle breeze
68 % 22°C 95 % 1012,1 hPa
10 - 11 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 30°C - N 7 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
67 % 22°C 75 % 1011,8 hPa
11 - 12 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 30°C - N 7 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
65 % 22°C 28 % 1011 hPa
12 - 13 Some cloudsSome clouds 30°C - N 8 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
65 % 22°C 15 % 1010,1 hPa
13 - 14 Some cloudsSome clouds 30°C - N 8 m/s from the N
 5 Bft Fresh breeze 
66 % 22°C 17 % 1009,2 hPa
14 - 15 Some cloudsSome clouds 30°C - N 8 m/s from the N
 5 Bft Fresh breeze 
67 % 22°C 23 % 1008,7 hPa
15 - 16 Some cloudsSome clouds 29°C - N 8 m/s from the N
 5 Bft Fresh breeze 
68 % 22°C 67 % 1008,5 hPa
16 - 17 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 28°C - N 8 m/s from the N
 5 Bft Fresh breeze 
71 % 22°C 3 % 1009,1 hPa
17 - 18 ClearClear 27°C - N 8 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
75 % 23°C 0 % 1009,6 hPa
18 - 19 ClearClear 27°C - N 8 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
78 % 23°C 0 % 1010,3 hPa
19 - 20 ClearClear 26°C - N 8 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
80 % 23°C 0 % 1011 hPa
20 - 21 ClearClear 26°C - N 7 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
81 % 23°C 0 % 1011,4 hPa
21 - 22 ClearClear 26°C - N 7 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
83 % 23°C 0 % 1011,7 hPa
22 - 23 ClearClear 25°C - N 6 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
85 % 22°C 0 % 1011,6 hPa
23 - 00 ClearClear 25°C - NE 6 m/s from the NE
4 Bft Moderate breeze
85 % 22°C 0 % 1011,6 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Dewpoint Clouds Pressure
00 - 01 ClearClear 24°C - NE 5 m/s from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
86 % 22°C 0 % 1011,2 hPa
01 - 02 ClearClear 24°C - NE 4 m/s from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
88 % 21°C 0 % 1010,4 hPa
02 - 03 ClearClear 23°C - NE 4 m/s from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
88 % 21°C 25 % 1009,9 hPa
03 - 04 Some cloudsSome clouds 23°C - NE 4 m/s from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
93 % 22°C 54 % 1009,6 hPa
04 - 05 FogFog 23°C - NE 4 m/s from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
92 % 21°C 57 % 1009,6 hPa
05 - 06 FogFog 22°C - NE 4 m/s from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
91 % 21°C 66 % 1010 hPa
06 - 07 FogFog 22°C - NE 3 m/s from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
90 % 20°C 71 % 1010,6 hPa
07 - 08 FogFog 24°C - NE 3 m/s from the NE
2 Bft Light breeze
83 % 21°C 13 % 1011,2 hPa
08 - 09 Some cloudsSome clouds 27°C - N 3 m/s from the N
2 Bft Light breeze
69 % 20°C 0 % 1011,9 hPa
09 - 10 ClearClear 28°C - NW 4 m/s from the NW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
63 % 20°C 0 % 1012,1 hPa
10 - 11 ClearClear 29°C - NW 5 m/s from the NW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
62 % 20°C 0 % 1011,8 hPa
11 - 12 ClearClear 30°C - NW 6 m/s from the NW
4 Bft Moderate breeze
60 % 21°C 0 % 1011 hPa
12 - 13 ClearClear 30°C - NW 7 m/s from the NW
4 Bft Moderate breeze
59 % 20°C 0 % 1009,9 hPa
13 - 14 ClearClear 30°C - NW 7 m/s from the NW
4 Bft Moderate breeze
61 % 21°C 0 % 1009,1 hPa
14 - 15 ClearClear 29°C - NW 7 m/s from the NW
4 Bft Moderate breeze
61 % 20°C 0 % 1008,8 hPa
15 - 16 ClearClear 29°C - N 7 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
61 % 20°C 0 % 1008,7 hPa
16 - 17 ClearClear 28°C - N 7 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
63 % 20°C 0 % 1009,2 hPa
17 - 18 ClearClear 27°C - N 7 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
66 % 20°C 0 % 1009,8 hPa
18 - 19 ClearClear 26°C - N 7 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
71 % 20°C 0 % 1010,2 hPa
19 - 20 ClearClear 25°C - N 6 m/s from the N
4 Bft Moderate breeze
79 % 21°C 0 % 1010,7 hPa
20 - 21 ClearClear 24°C - NE 6 m/s from the NE
4 Bft Moderate breeze
82 % 21°C 0 % 1010,8 hPa
21 - 22 ClearClear 23°C - NE 5 m/s from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
85 % 21°C 0 % 1010,9 hPa
22 - 23 ClearClear 23°C - NE 3 m/s from the NE
3 Bft Gentle breeze
88 % 20°C 33 % 1010,8 hPa
23 - 00 FogFog 22°C - E 2 m/s from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
89 % 20°C 38 % 1010,8 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Dewpoint Clouds Pressure
00 - 01 FogFog 22°C - E 2 m/s from the E
1 Bft Light air
83 % 20°C 24 % 1010,5 hPa
01 - 02 Some cloudsSome clouds 22°C - E 2 m/s from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
83 % 20°C 21 % 1010,2 hPa
02 - 03 Some cloudsSome clouds 22°C - E 3 m/s from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
81 % 19°C 21 % 1010 hPa
03 - 04 Some cloudsSome clouds 22°C - E 3 m/s from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
81 % 19°C 35 % 1010 hPa
04 - 05 FogFog 22°C - E 3 m/s from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
84 % 19°C 54 % 1010,2 hPa
05 - 06 FogFog 22°C - E 3 m/s from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
85 % 19°C 66 % 1010,6 hPa
06 - 07 FogFog 22°C - E 3 m/s from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
82 % 19°C 75 % 1011,5 hPa
07 - 08 FogFog 23°C - E 2 m/s from the E
2 Bft Light breeze
75 % 19°C 10 % 1012,3 hPa
08 - 09 ClearClear 26°C - NE 1 m/s from the NE
1 Bft Light air
68 % 19°C 1 % 1012,8 hPa
09 - 10 ClearClear 27°C - W 2 m/s from the W
2 Bft Light breeze
68 % 20°C 0 % 1012,8 hPa
10 - 11 ClearClear 28°C - W 2 m/s from the W
2 Bft Light breeze
68 % 20°C 0 % 1012,4 hPa
11 - 12 ClearClear 28°C - W 3 m/s from the W
2 Bft Light breeze
69 % 21°C 0 % 1011,6 hPa
12 - 13 ClearClear 28°C - W 3 m/s from the W
2 Bft Light breeze
67 % 20°C 0 % 1010,5 hPa
13 - 14 ClearClear 29°C - NW 4 m/s from the NW
3 Bft Gentle breeze
62 % 20°C 0 % 1009,6 hPa
Forecast data created at 23-01-2025 21:15 (16.52694 120.32991) Weather forecast data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK.